Representing our interests vis-à-vis politicians, the government as well as the manufacturing industry, the distributive trades and other sectors of the economy
Verein Hamburger Rheder (VHRh), represents the interests of Hamburg-based shipowners and shipping companies predominantly to the Senate of the City of Hamburg (a Coastal State of the Federal Republic of Germany) and all relevant local governmental administrations*). VHRh also represents the interests of the shipping industry vis-á-vis associations of competing transport sectors, as well as industry- / trade-organisations and the relevant labour unions.
Participation in regional organisations
VHRh is a vital member of the community of employers’ associations of the Hamburg transport industry (Tarifgemeinschaft für kaufmännische Angestellte des Hamburger Verkehrsgewerbes), negotiating labour agreements (salary agreements, framework agreements, benefits agreements) for shore-based employees of the local transport sector including shipowners and shipbrokers.
Furthermore VHRh co-ordinates the representation of the shipping industry in the plenary assembly of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and nominates candidates for the Chamber’s Port and Shipping Committee. VHRh also nominates local candidates out of its membership for the Board of Directors of the German Shipowners’ Association (Verband Deutscher Reeder - VDR). VHRh actively supports the vocational training school for shipping & chartering managers (kaufmännische Berufsschule für Schifffahrtskaufleute), by assisting the Managing Board and promoting co-operation among the various contributors to the curriculum.
VHRh is a member of UV-Nord, the umbrella organisation of the employers’ and industry associations of Hamburg and the German state of Schleswig-Holstein, participating, among other activities, in the infrastructure policy committee. Through its membership with UV-Nord, VHRh also nominates honorary judges for local labour courts and social courts. Moreover VHRh appoints officers of various other Hamburg-based organisations.
Information and advisory services for members
The VHRh secretariat keeps its shipowner members informed about all local developments that may be of interest to them and renders advice on all issues related to the shipping business.
* Since 1984, Verband Deutscher Reeder (VDR) and Verein Hamburger Rheder (VHRh r.V.) have been sharing offices. The responsibilities of the VHRh General Director have since been fulfilled by one of the VDR Division Directors.